Call from Infusionsoft, no need to drag your contact lists over to the website for another calling solution. Pull up an Infusionsoft saved search and Boom! – you’re making calls right from the search results listing.
Really quick click-to-dial. In fact, just 2 clicks move you to the next contact and start the call. No hand dialing required – who can key in the correct 10 digits the first time, every time?
With turboDial it’s click, click, talk.
Notes are automatic. No need to create a Note on the contact record just to record the fact you made the call – turboDial leaves that Note for you automatically!
Voice mails are free. Yup, free, meaning it no longer takes any of your time to leave the perfect message when you reach their voice mail. When you hear that beep you’ll press turboDial’s Leave Message button and be on your way to the next call on your list. What will you do with all the time you’re saving???
Perfect your pitch. Record it and re-record it until you’ve captured your voice describing your compelling offer and a simple call to action. Then when your call goes to voice mail just wait for the beep and press turboDial’s Leave Message button – presto! Your perfectly honed message will be played into their voicemail where they’ll soon hear it. You’ve just made great progress getting them ready to say ‘yes’ when you connect with them later.
Constantly improve. You can record any call and listen to it later to study what worked and what didn’t. And use your best recordings to train employees on honing their phone sales skills.
Focus your follow up. Yes, because with turboDial you’re working right in Infusionsoft so it’s super-simple to assign a task, apply a tag or trigger a campaign for a contact when you complete a call.
Have a dull Dashboard? Not when you’re using turboDial because Automatic Call Notes create the data you need for saved searches and reports in Infusionsoft. This is critical because. . .
What gets measured gets improved. You’ll track the progress of your phone call campaigns – including your calls and the calls made by your team using the data created by turboDial. And turboDial’s Call Outcomes feature self-adapts to the perfect call outcome options that are pertinent to the needs of your business. Every call can be designated with an outcome label that makes sense for how your company works. The reports enabled by that feature alone are worth the price of the subscription.